Holly Lynch Former MP for Halifax
Holly has campaigned strongly against plans for incinerators in Sowerby Bridge – holding public meetings, attending demonstrations, doing media appearances and raising the issue with Ministers in Parliament.
She has expressed concerns about the effect incinerators could have on public health – given that incinerators are poorly regulated nationally and over 100 people per year already die prematurely in Calderdale due to air pollution.
Holly has backed the Council’s decision to reject applications for the two incinerators – a move which has cross party and community support – but the applicant has now appealed.
Should the applications be successfully appealed the two incinerators would both be within 750 metres of an air quality management area and close to local homes and schools.
Holly has called on the Environment Secretary Michael Gove to intervene, arguing that the current planning framework makes it impossible to take into consideration the cumulative impact on air quality of two new incinerators, which would be situated in the same valley and only a mile apart.
She will be making representations at the public hearing in April where an appeal for the Belmont application will be heard.